Penn 2018

                  SPIRE Conference Schedule                       

Friday, May 10, 2013 at Rutgers University

All events take place at Eagleton Institute for Politics.


8:30-9:00 am, Continental breakfast (Location: lobby)


9:00-9:40 am, Antoine Banks, Blaming the Out-Group: How Anger Activates Ethnocentroism in the Context of Race and Immigration(University of                         Maryland)

9:40-10:20 am, Rahsaan Maxwell, Symbolic Occupational Threat: Accepting Racial Minorities in the French Community” (University of                                            Massachusetts, Amherst)


10:20-10:40 am, Break - refreshments available in lobby


10:40-11:20 am – Michael Javen Fortner and Prentiss Dantzler, Black Power, Policy, and Pessimism: Federal Involvement in Law Enforcement in 1970s                             New York City”  (Rutgers, Camden)

11:20-11:45am- Research Design Presentation, David Cortez, “Policing Identity: Organizational Culture and the(De)racialization of Law Enforcement  (Cornell University)


11:45 am-1:00 pm, Lunch


1:00-1:40 pm, Dorian Warren and Virgina Parks, Boxing Out: Race, Walmart & Politics of Labor Market Regulation from Below”, (Columbia University and University of Chicago)

1:40-2:20 pm, Jessica Lavariega-Monforti and Adam McGlynn “Is there a Poverty Draft? Assessing the Role of Socioeconomic Status in the U.S. Military Recruitment of Hispanic Students” (UT-Pan American and East Stroudsburg University)


2:20-2:40 pm, Break - refreshments available in lobby


2:40-3:20 pm, Ali Valenzuela and Melissa Michelson, Turnout, Status, and Identity: Mobilizing Latinos to Vote in Contrasting Contexts (Princeton University  and Menlo College)

3:20-4:00 pm, Matthew Platt, “The Paradox of Ambition”(Harvard University)


4:00-4:20 pm, Break 


4:20-5:45 pm, Roundtable- Publishing in Top Journal and University Presses? (Paul Frymer, Kim Johnson, Michael Jones-Correa, Valerie Martinez-Ebers)


5:45 pm - Dinner (Location: on site)